press quotes

"following in an illustrious lineage from Barry Guy through Simon Fell ... breathtaking"
John Sharpe, All About Jazz
"[Lash plays] a truly powerful contrabass"
("[Lash spielt] einen wahrhaft mächtigen Kontrabass")
 Wolfgang Suschnig, FreiStil

"extraordinarily sensitive... Every pluck or bowing seemed to embody grace and purpose."
Brian Olewnick, Just Outside

"endless efforts to veer left of every known note or chord"
James Costelloe, Newcastle Journal
"Dominic Lash can hear into the future"
Luke Roberts, Opennedzine

 "Not beautiful, perhaps, but certainly fascinating."
Nicola Lisle, Oxford Times

"explosive bass-strumming"
John Fordham, The Guardian

"almost vertiginous contrasts ... a master of the extreme"
Paul Medley, Oxford Times

"his range is just about unrivalled"
Richard Pinnell, The Watchful Ear

"dextrous bass playing teems with energy"
Stuart Fowkes, Nightshift